KMA CONVOCATION 2024 - Congratulations to the Graduates!

Ukraine’s Constitution Day was designated in the 1990-s as the official Convocation Day at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.  We are happy to report that the 2024 Convocation took place pm June 28 in several locations at the campus because of concern for security and the large number of graduates and their families who came to celebrate.  We bring you a few of the highlights.  There were 1200 graduates this year, even though the war in Ukraine forced many students to study abroad and they were not able to attend.  We are proud of the 822 students who received their bachelor’s degrees, the 353 who go into the world with a master’s degree.  They include 166 from the IT Department, 228 from the Humanities Department, 178 from the Law School, 212 from Social Sciences, and 254 from the Economics Department. 

Many distinguished alumni joined the ceremonies and shared their greetings and advice, among them Taras Lukachuk, entrepreneur, philanthropist, graduate of the economics program, member of the Supervisory Board of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation in Ukraine; Yuliya Kovaliv, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Canada, graduate of the economics program; Lyubov Shipovych, a graduate of the computer science program, a well-known volunteer, founder of the Dignitas Charity Fund - Ukraine's largest fund of technological assistance to the Defense Forces of Ukraine; and Kateryna Kalytko, writer and laureate of the Shevchenko Prize, a graduate of the journalism program.

Photos from the Convocation Ceremony of the KMA Law Department:

A convocation is a special event, and the Kyiv-Mohyla Community is proud of the courage of its graduates who managed to finish their degrees through this challenging journey, including the pandemic and the full-scale invasion. We wish them success in all their endeavors, inspiration for new achievements, and the fulfillment of all their dreams.  May the KMA values of personal dignity, respect for human rights, the sanctity of law guide, and support for Ukraine guide  them throughout their lives. 

Photos from the Convocation Ceremony of the KMA Humanitarian Department and ConvoFest:

ConvoFest , a special charitable festival for all graduates was held after the ceremonies.  It was organized by the Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation in Ukraine, the Association of KMA Alumni and KMA Help initiative, which helps members of the Kyiv-Mohyla Community who defends Ukraine on the frontline. Close to 300 graduates joined the event to celebrate this special day, and approximately 25 000 UAH was raised for a drone for the soldiers in the Donetsk region.

See also a video from Convocation at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School:




KMA scholars and Alumni in Washington. American-Ukrainian Partnership in Education and Science.


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