Students of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy actively participate in university life, initiate projects that influence Ukrainian society, and demonstrate remarkable achievements in the academic sphere. Student scholarships can educate those talented young people in Ukraine who need financial help and reward those who excel. By joining forces with our donors, we can provide additional opportunities for students to focus on their studies.

We are strong when we are together! You can always donate either any amount to the general scholarship fund or pay for the whole scholarship for one or more students. We appreciate your support!

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Who receives a scholarship?

Students of the 2nd-4th year of the Bachelor's degree, or students of the 1st-2nd year of the Master's degree who have demonstrated exceptional academic success and are active participants of the KMA community.

We undertake

to inform our donors about the students who received scholarships, and about their results in academic and social activities. We will add you to our special mailing list so that you can receive regular newsletters from us.

Do you have any questions or want to contribute in another way?

Conact us!
(773) 490-9797