Dear friends and supporters, we are looking forward to the celebration of the most significant event for Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, its 408th anniversary. On October 15, in 1615 Halshka Hulevychivna bequeathed her landed property to school, giving the start to Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
We invite you to join our mission and support KMA students on Academy Day! Let’s raise funds for 5 scholarships!
You can support the fundraiser by establishing a scholarship in your name or by making a one-time donation of any amount.

We are strong when we are together! You can always donate either any amount to the general scholarship fund or pay for the whole scholarship for one or more students. We appreciate your support!
We will announce the results after the Academy’s anniversary day. We will be grateful for any kind of support, whether it’s a charitable contribution or spreading the fundraiser among your friends!
Join us, and together we can achieve more than separately! Your contribution is an example and motivation for the community!
If you have comments, or questions, or if you wish to establish a named scholarship, please contact:
Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation in Canada: 416-566-7163, .
Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation in the USA: (773) 490-9797, .
Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation in Ukraine: +38 097-25-35-697, .